
A man answering a lot of phones from multiple leads coming

How We Generated 46 New Leads In One Month (And Why The Client’s Business Broke Because Of It)

February 09, 20256 min read

Leads are the bloodline of any business. Without interested people looking to buy, your business, or any business for that matter we would not exist.

too many phones ringing, man is frustrated

The problem most contacting businesses face

This client came to me with practically non-existent business. Had no sales coming in, a few referrals, and was not in a position to invest drastically to get the business going.

I felt really bad for him and I knew I had to help him out. He didn’t have the budget for the full package I offer so we started with one thing and one thing only. Facebook ads. That’s right, you read that right, we ran some Facebook ads first.


Because it is the easiest way to get leads in the door and get the cash flow coming in to be able to reinvest into the rest of the marketing.

You’re probably wondering, how is running ads on Facebook profitable at all and how could he afford it.

Why we started with Facebook Ads first

Well if we started with a website, he would not see a lead come in for months. Yes, months. A brand-new website takes time to become visible online. Even with all the SEO stuff and backlinks and all these other tactics, it takes time for the website to rank on the first page. 

If we had started with Google Business Profile (formally known as Google My Business), that also takes a few months to rank. Actually, the website and this go hand-in-hand, but they are two separate services so it is way out of the budget.

So our only option was to run some ads. We couldn’t do Google ads because you need a website to drive the traffic to and again this is a separate service so not in the budget. If you have a website, then this is the best option. Check out the results we brought this client with Google Ads.

I cut him a deal to help him out, something that would work for him, be able to get started with me, set up all his accounts, integrate the CRM, and get the automation and workflows in place.

The good thing about running ads is that you don’t pay the ad budget all at once. It’s deducted from your card on a threshold. For us, it’s usually $250 so that means each time we reach $250 in ad spend, Facebook would deduct this from the account.

To run Facebook ads, you don’t necessarily need a website, you can run them to your messenger or you can have them fill out a lead form (which is our preferred method). 

I told the guy, hey this is probably the easiest way to get some cash flow to your business and be able to get a website next and start to build the rest of your marketing for your business. I’m not here to screw people over, I’m here to help them succeed.

He said ok, let’s do this. So he signed with me in mid-January 2022

What happened next was unexpected for him

In the first month, he got like 15 leads and a few good jobs came from it. Enough to pay me, the ads, and himself. I reminded him that this stuff needs time. It needs time to learn, learn your audience and become effective at showing your ads to the right people.

He give me the benefit of the doubt and in month two we had over 20 leads!

contractor answering phones

Things were starting to look good for him. He was very happy and honestly so was I. More relieved because he was being a bit too tight on the budget, but I made it work. Now we started working on a website to help get additional leads online.

Fine tuning your ads will break you (in a good way)

In month 3 we found something interesting. We noticed he was getting a certain type of work request more than anything else. So I told him, hey why don’t we make an ad and target that kind of work?

There’s obviously a demand for it. 

He gave me the green light and we started advertising a specific type of job. Here are the staggering results for month 4:

facebook ad results

From April 17th to May 17th, we generated 46 leads!

The cost per lead was at $18.60

And we spent less than $1000 in ad spend! A freaken unheard-of phenomenon!

My client was not ready to start answering all of these calls and inquiries. He called me and said pause for a few days please! LOL

He was running like a chicken with it’s head cut off. He had to bring his wife in to help get through all the lead forms that were left.

Automation makes your job easier

The best part is that because he is using my CRM which offers automation built-in, once a form is submitted, my system sent off a text 2 minutes after they filled out the form and informed them that we got their form and we will contact them shortly. It waits 10 minutes and sounds like a person is texting them and asked them to click on a link to fill out a few more qualifying questions. Once they hit submit, the system recognized the form submission and sends a thank you text along with a request for photos.

Once the prospect sends photos, my system notifies my client of the completed task.

My automation does a lot of the heavy lifting for him and he is in love with it. He said there was no way he would be able to get to everyone in the same way my system does it automatically.

What if they never started the processes?

I have a timer on each step of 1.5 days. If they don’t take any action, my system will follow up and ask if they need help and reminds them of their pending task.

Here’s a snapshot of his pipeline during that period.

pipeline of leads and value amounts

Although this shows more leads than the 46, some of these leads started coming in from his website as well so now we are getting leads from different sources.

I managed to convince him to hire a VA to answer the calls and book appointments for him so all he focuses on are estimates and closing sales.

Today, I’m happy to announce that we have all his marketing up and running and he is on a trajectory of growth. 

It took some time but we got here and we are still rocking it.

Everyone starts somewhere and has to start sometime.

I’m here to help break your business too, but if you are really serious about doing something about your business. Let’s have a chat. It doesn’t hurt to learn more.


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Jonathan Palacios

A seasoned marketing professional with a background in Mechanical Engineering, adept at leveraging data analysis and process improvement to drive business growth. Passionate about helping contracting businesses thrive through innovative marketing strategies.

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