
digital marketing agency bakersfield

Case Study: Fuerte Tree Service's $30K Revenue Surge with Google Ads in Bakersfield, CA

March 19, 20242 min read

Fuerte Tree Service, nestled in the heart of Bakersfield, facing a classic dilemma. They wanted more business but had a tight budget to play with. That's where we stepped in! With our Google Ads magic, we crafted a plan tailored just for them. And guess what? It worked like a charm, bringing in a cool $30K extra revenue. Ready to dive into the juicy details of our journey?.

google ads screenshot for contracting business


Targeting the Northwest and Southwest Bakersfield areas, our campaign focused on neighborhoods craving expert tree trimming services.

Project Type & Size

The project was small yet impactful with a strong Google Ads campaign, backed by our expert management, we were able to maximize Fuerte's monthly ad budget.

Numerical Information

  • Leads Generated: 30

  • Potential Revenue: $52,130

  • Actual Revenue Generated: $30,630 Uncover the quantifiable success metrics behind Fuerte Tree Service's Google Ads campaign.


The key features of our strategy:

  • Captivating ad copy to conversion-focused landing page

  • Designed to engage potential customers.

  • Strong call-to-action (CTA)


Our professional Google Ads management empowered Fuerte Tree Service to focus on:

  • Client interaction

  • Client fulfillment

  • Collect additional revenue


Fuerte Tree Service's challenges were:

  • Low call volume

  • Low work loads

  • tight/constrained budget

  • Non-optimized page


Our focused strategy included, running Google Ads exclusively for tree trimming services, and optimizing landing pages for conversions. By focusing on one single type of service, were were able to maximize the budget and hyper target leads that were looking for only tree trimming services.

Project Length

We ran these ads within just 30 days, and in such short time our dynamic campaign delivered transformative outcomes for Fuerte Tree Service.

Products Used

The tools and platforms that powered our success, included:

  • Google Ads

  • Google Analytics

  • Tile Digital Premier CRM software.

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker

dashboard of results from one month of running Google ads for tree service business

As we wrap up this success story, it's clear: strategic Google Ads can transform your business. Want to experience the same revenue surge as Fuerte Tree Service? Let's chat! Reach out to us today to kickstart your journey to business growth.

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